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Sports massage on leg
Pouring Massage Oil




This type of massage takes place in between training sessions and the aim is to work on specific elements and tissue structures which have become shortened, tight and painful. The idea is to loosen off tightness within soft tissues so as to improve performance and prevent injury.  It can be beneficial to anyone regardless of fitness level or physical activity. Working at a desk all day can cause pain in the back, neck or shoulders. Getting regular massages  help relieve the tension and prevent or help posture problems.




A post-event massage occurs soon after intense training or competition as part of the recovery process. Post-event massage involves the application of a range of massage techniques to assist recovery from activity. It gets rid of the waste products, stretches the tight muscles and helps treat and prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). During a treatment only light pressure will be used. A post massage is performed from 30 minutes up to 72 hours after competition or activity.




A pre event massage  ideally takes place within 2 hours before a sporting event. It aims to increase blood circulation to achieve greater flexibility and a bigger range of motions through muscles and joints. This in turn helps to decrease the chance of sustaining an injury during the event, and can also reduce nerves and anxiety – helping the athlete achieve their optimal performance.

Oil Massage




A relaxing massage is a smooth, gentle treatment that relieves muscular tension, increases circulation, and promotes a general sense of relaxation. It is suitable for individuals that don't like the discomfort of deep tissue techniques used during a maintenance massage. Not only athletes, but anyone can benefit from this type of treatment.

Cupping therapy

Cupping therapy uses a cup to pull an area of skin into a suction that decompresses the muscles and connective tissue. This promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation and helps to increase the body's own healing process. The suction may help relieve muscle tension, promote cell repair, and aid in other regeneration.


Maintenance massage

30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes


£ 25
£ 30
£ 40
£ 60


Relaxing/ post event massage

30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes


£ 20

£ 25

£ 35

Pre event massage 

30 minutes- £20



Prices apply for treatments in clinical environment only.  If you need pre-/inter-/intra- event massage at the location of sporting event, please contact me to get a quote


Cupping therapy

Free add-on combined with maintenance massage or
stand-alone treatment 

30 minutes
60 minutes


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